Four Trips + A pair of Shoes = Jazz Music on the Way Home

So, I have this cute child. He's six. Tall for his age. And very much like my firstborn with his perfectionist tendencies.

While extremely responsible, and this year has been exceptional -- him telling me what homework he has the day before it's due; that he wants to take his spelling pretests with ABSOLUTELY no help from me, etc -- he forgot something really important the second week of school.

He went to school without his shoes.

Okay, not the end of the world. I drove up to the "drop off" area, ready to expel my children to the world of learning, when I hear, "I don't have my shoes!"

He was so in shock, so scared I would be mad at him, that all I could do was say, "Okay. Wow." No way could I be angry. No way could I tell him that he seriously ruined my morning routine, that I'd be late meeting a friend for coffee, or that I didn't care. Because I did care. And my cute child is everything to me. On the good days. And the bad days.

What did I do? I walked him to his class in his stocking feet and went home to get his shoes.

Normally, this event really wouldn't have been so bad. But, as the "schedule gods" had worked out for me in advance, today was the day that I was already making three trips to and from home and school.

This little jaunt would make it a fourth.

I texted my friend that I would be a little bit late for coffee and began the drive home.

I so wanted to be angry. But, I literally couldn't. Like, I couldn't even muster up the frustration. There was nothing. I think I felt this way partly because I knew it would be fruitless. I mean, the kid is shoeless. And partly because ... did I have any control, to begin with? By ranting and raving, I would be admitting that I thought I had control of my little day.

Clearly, I had none. God had it. And He made this concept known to me with my cute child forgetting to slip on his shoes.

Where am I going with this? Only to say that I had to think of the good. I had to think of the benefit of making a fourth trip, though I was just beginning my second for the day. How could a bad thing be good? I would make a list on this little trip.

1. I would be able to say hello again to my sleepy dog. She loved extra hellos. Okay. Good. Dog is taken care of. Check.

2. I would be able to get my cell phone. Yes, I had left my lifeline at home, lying on the counter, charging. Bonus. I wasn't alone! I'd be able to check my mail a million more times than I thought I would, seeing that I wouldn't be without it after all. Check.

3. Well, I was having a hard time with number three. Until I thought ahead. My fourth trip of the day would be in the evening, going from home to school for Back to School Night and home again. While that was always a fun trip, meeting his teacher and all, the best part would be the jazz music on the classical music station that night. Check.

This is my cute child, Caleb.
I love Jazz. I don't know much really, but I do know that there are some real musicians in that genre. And because I don't have "satellite radio" in my car, I had to wait, as we once all had to do. I had to wait for Jazz until after 8:00 pm when the classical music station turned to Jazz.

(No, we don't have a jazz station in Sacramento.)

So, the end of my day would be steeped in jazz, driving home to see my cute kids.

The thought of that made my little trip home like an appetizer. And the dessert of jazz music in the evening would make everything okay.

And my cute child would have his shoes ... just like everyone else.

A Work in Progress

You know, I had originally titled my blog this, A Work in Progress.

And would you look at that .. my life has come full circle three years later, and I'm back to naming my blog A Work in Progress.

Why this name? Because, quite frankly, it fits me and what I'm doing.

I  am always working on something as far as writing goes, and it not only never feels complete, but I always feel like I can do it better.

Sort of carries into my personal life as well.

The house we just bought? Unless I like the dated wallpaper and old kitchen cabinets, which I don't, it's a work in progress.

My dog who loves the ball more than obeying? Well, she's a work in progress. Very cute, but very much a work in progress.

My job as a parent? Where do I begin? That's a forever work in progress.

Just when I've mastered diapering, it's onto saying "no" at the rights times (which feels like ALWAYS) and then it's onto juggling school and sports and home life and dentists and doctor visits, and of course the necessary vacations if there are any... and learning to be the parent and not just a friend-- one who your child needs to listen to when they're about to make a horrendous mistake (yes, I'm referring to Miley Cyrus) -- that your child will want to come back to once they're an adult. I could go on.

Definitely a work in progress.

My non-existent exercise program? A work in progress for sure.

I am a work in progress as are most people. And I suppose we are until our dying day. In all seriousness, with all the weird news of weird people doing such outrageous things, I'm beginning to think that if we don't see ourselves as continually needing to learn, we begin to assume too much. We begin to think more of ourselves than we are.

And that's when the self-destruction starts.

So, as a work in progress, I will be posting blogs erratically (though I had already said I wasn't GOING to blog anymore), rambling about various things that may not matter, and trying to continue writing my middle-grade fiction.

In the mean time, enjoy a picture of my sweet WIP (work in progress) Sierra as we contemplate the other highly-talked about WIP's like Miley Cyrus, like the people behind the idea of using Ben Affleck as Batman, and like the now-former mayor of San Diego. I do feel so sorry for two of the three people here. Really.

And if Ben is ousted as the Dark Knight, heck, I'd feel sorry for him too ... but maybe not though.


Anyone who hasn't had a bad review of their work doesn't fully understand the stress that comes with being a writer. I recently had one of these reviews. And it seriously made me doubt that what I had put years into was even worth it.

It's bad enough that we pour out our blood and sweat and tons of tears into our work without a single affirming word from anyone saying, "What a swell job you're doing" or "Though you haven't made a penny of your writing in years, your work is truly great."

And we continue to pour away because we are called to write. We can't live without doing that.

This particular negative review of my work, The Puzzle Master, was like a slap in the face, with a punch to the gut, and then just when I thought it was over, a blind-sided karate chop to the back of the legs.

I questioned if her negative review of my work was valid.

I questioned my abilities as a writer.

I wondered if indeed the last eighteen years of college and writing had been a waste of time.

I finally got over me. And wanting to smash in the face of this reviewer.

And a few months later, I got two awesome, glowing reviews.

Here's what I learned from all of this.

1. Don't take reviews seriously. It's SUBJECTIVE. What some people love, others will hate. Just how it is. Reviews are what they are-- reviews. That doesn't mean I'm a great writer, or a lousy one either. Just take the review and move on.

2. I chose to be a writer, and chose to put my work out there, so I have to expect major dislike.

3. When bad things happen, drink coffee. Duh.

Was it Bill Cosby who said something to the effect, "I don't know the steps to success, but I do know the steps to failure is trying to please everyone?" Oh yes indeed!

So there it is. People will like your work, but some people will not like your work. Oh well. We aren't here to please everyone.

A good writer-friend (good writer and good friend) of mine, Lara, once said, "Writing prepares you for parenting: neither one receives any affirmation." So true. This is a genius line. (Lara, told you I'd steal it!)

Having said all of that, reviews can be full of life, uplifting, and also give you the affirmation you've been looking for. So, regardless of reviews, whether bad or good, or neither, keep writing!

**To celebrate the one-year anniversary of my book, The Puzzle Master, in digital form, will be free the 15th and 16th of February!**

Lethologica and Me: Why Jeopardy is a Lost Cause

I don't know if you've ever watched an episode of Jeopardy. If you haven't, well... you're missing out on intelligent peopl...