Autumnal Changes

Every single time I tell myself I'm going to write at my blog more.
 And every single time I don't.

Regardless, my sis reminded me that I had a blog, and I realized I hadn't said hello for three months; for 90 days; for roughly 2160 hours!

A lot transpires in three months.

And an exceptional amount has transpired in the last few days.

Here's a small rundown.

It's Fall! Glorious glory. Better weather, perfect season for the most perfect layered clothing, best time of year.

When my neighborhood looks like this, how can I not love it more?

The trees look like this:

We look up and see more of this!

We drink more of this (Well, I drink the coffee any time of year, but I'm not sweating while drinking it hot now. So hey!)

A very unforgettable election and voting process just occurred.
My dog's face ↓ pretty much depicts how I feel.
About both candidates.
Note the blue and red in the blanket.
(And note how well they go together!)
I feel lost actually.

I didn't like either candidate, so I don't feel like
I fit in anywhere right now.
I have good, good friends on both sides of the aisle.
I love all of them.
I care much about them.
And I hurt when they hurt and rejoice when they're happy.
BOTH sides.

Even though I have my opinions, and I'll tell you who I voted for if you ask,
I still feel sorrow. Sorrow that we're divided. 
Being a pacifist isn't very popular, and probably impossible to maintain,
but sometimes that's all I want.
I want us all to be on the same page.

But, I will continue to love. And will I continue to hope.
Because with God, all is possible.

It seems right that an election takes place in Fall. It's the old, dying away,
preparing to bring in the new.
Good or bad, change is hard.
But change, and hardships, are what make us stronger.

And that is the goal. To be a better version of us, with every trial
or triumph we encounter. And I believe good will come from this change.

So, this is what I'm focusing on. Still. Because I believe in this. ↓