Seasons of Change

I tend to use this title a lot, Seasons of Change. I mean, I haven't scrolled back to look, but it feels like I either use this title every year in one of my blog posts or want to use this title with each post I write. Either way, here it is again.

It's only July 1st, but I'm sitting at my computer trying to go back through the last four weeks, and they have been some of the most transitional "seasons of change," yet. This last May was by far the busiest May I can recall. There was virtually no downtime for weeks ... and it's fine now. But for all you parents of soon-to-be Senior High School students, who work and run a house, best of luck.

You will lose your sanity. You will lose patience. And you will look back and wonder how you made it through.

Well, here's a glimpse of the last four weeks in my world.

For starters, I had a story of mine published and that was a great way to begin the summer. It's via Guideposts, the story is true, and I'm humbled to be a part of it. Click here to learn more! 

Miracles Do Happen- get this book right here!

Then my son, my sweet child of mine who is now a man, graduated high school. It doesn't seem possible, and yet as I reminisce over all the events, all the sports, all the driving to and picking up from school, it is possible. Very possible.

He was a summa cum laude student-athlete, and I couldn't be more proud.

Then there's the cruise to Alaska! My whole extended family went on a cruise to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. It was beautiful, the weather was amazing, and it's an experience we will never forget.

I also learned whilst there that my son knows how to slam dunk. Random. But awesome.

So, we're getting into the swing of summer back home now, we're eating way too much ice cream, but I feel like this is a must. My oldest now has his first job, so it's as if he's moved on -- on from high school and into a job -- but I haven't. It's a tad frightening. And I'm glad I have another five years to raise my youngest son.

But, it feels a lot like being fired from a job that I liked and wanted to keep. It's very uncomfortable. And maybe even demoralizing.

And this is motherhood.

So, instead, I'm focusing on what I have:

 1. My son is still at home while he goes to college this fall. That's a big win. It's more time than most parents get to have. I'll take it.

2. My youngest son still needs me for now. Enough said.

3. My dog, my sweet, amazing pup, always needs me, now, today, and right this second. She's my third child.

4. I get to do more for myself, like tending to my garden, and looking at beautiful flowers, and more writing and reading, and vintage shopping.

I picked up this sign the other day at my favorite thrift store. I thought I liked it mostly because I deal with antique and vintage clothing.

But this sign points into the master bedroom, and I wonder if it's in fact denoting the idea that I am actually the antique?

If so, that's alright. I'm feeling like an antique and living a very full life. And it really doesn't get better than this. Change is good, and transitions are better. It grows us, gives us new things to do, and more people to love.

Have a blessed summer, everyone. And may your seasons of change be amazing.