Get your writing on! (even on the cover of a card)

I've been down-for-the-count with a cold I caught from
my youngest son. The irony of this all is that I assumed I would
get even more writing done now that he's in school, having just begun all day
kindergarden. While I do have uninteruppted time, being sick is not
condusive to writing, especially when all I want to do is lie down.
So, yes, it's an excuse. But hey, it's legitimate.
Now, something for you: Have you heard about Hallmark's card contest?
They have one or two contests every month devoted to great pictures
-- and most importantly, well placed and perfect writing to go with it --
by people like us, and NOT their in-house writers.
Here is an example, as I won one of their contests last year.
If you're like me, you have a ton of pictures on the computer that are
going to waste. And if you're a writer,
 then this is the perfect contest for you.
Go to Hallmark today and find out the latest contest. Enter it
and you never know ... the whole world may see your writing!


  1. That's fantastic, Heather... congratulations. I'll have to go check it out. Hope you feel better soon.


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