Blogging My Way Through My Slow Living Life │ Introducing Simply Minimally Blog

This year is the return to blogging for me.

In case you hadn't noticed. 

Oh, but I'm sure you did. I went from writing constantly (about a decade ago) to writing once every six months. 

My life of raising my boys, as well as work, side-stepped my regular blog posting. But, I've not stopped writing. 

Recently, I baby-stepped back to once-a-month blogging in 2023, and now I'm posting once or twice a week once again. I've come full circle.

I've had this blog, A Work in Progress, for almost 15 years. This August will mark a decade and a half of writing my first post, along with my thoughts about books, writing, and random life events.

This blog has been therapeutic, a way to keep my writing skills up, and hopefully, an informative place to learn about various things. It's essentially a slow-living blog. 

Because, over the years, those are the subjects I tend to cover.

There's writing (that was all I wrote about in the beginning); how to write, what to write, where to write, etc. 

And there are many book review posts. I read a lot, so naturally, they're going to show up in some form here whether it's a brief mention or a mini book review.

As a freelance writer, I'd be remiss if I didn't write about where I've been published, what's coming out, and what "work in progress" is, you know, in progress. 

Then my family started showing up in random posts, and my vacations, weather, gardening...

Ta-da. It became a slow-living blog.

Slow living is about choosing to take a step back from modern-day "go, move, be all, do all" to a "slow down, rest, less is more, return to peace" lifestyle. (Apparently, I've been wanting slow living for the last fifteen years!)

That's because it's needed. We're all stressed, overworked, and dying from the inside out. Unfortunately, that's a "normal" way to live in our fast-paced culture, but I'm choosing to go against the norm with this blog.

However, as a freelance writer who also writes a lot about minimalism, I knew I needed a place to post those articles without completely ruining the whole vibe of this blog.

I've posted a few minimalism pots here and there, even some vintage posts, (which are a part of the slow movement), but it's unfair to dump all of my data about minimalism here when that's not the original intent and focus of the blog

I want to keep to the slow-living idea behind the blog for all of my readers who've been with me for years.

All that to say, I now have a blog devoted solely to minimalism, minimalist living, and the minimal lifestyle. 

It's called Simply Minimally. 

Right now, posts are once or twice a week. Kind of like here.

Being a burgeoning minimalist since 2017, and realizing so many other people want to know how it's done, why I do it, and how to continue doing it, it seemed logical and reasonable to begin a new blog. 

It's a little insight and inspiration in minimalism. It's for people like me who need encouragement in this area; a focus they can use in their own lives for personal growth, personal fulfillment, or a much-needed change.

While I'll still be randomly talking about minimalism here, Simply Minimally is just another avenue of information if you're looking for more about it. I'm not asking you to follow it, but if you're interested in a blog that's solely devoted to minimalism, then hey. And welcome. I have that too.

Thanks to all of you who read this little blog, A Work in Progress

I am still a work in progress, and I always will be, but I'm so glad you're here.

Here's to slow living, family and friends, beautiful simple things, and a way to bring intentional living to our lives.


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